Definition of islamic prayer times in Islam (awkat salat)
- Al fajr (al fadjr)/al Sobh prayer (morning prayer): A prayer that begins at dawn or dusk in the morning. The sobh ends just before sunrise.
Note that there is a confusion between the terms "sobh" and "fajr" which according to scholars are used to refer to the first obligatory prayer in the morning. This is explained by the fact that before performing the obligatory prayer there is a highly recommended prayer called "Sounnat Al Sobh", "Sounnat Al Fajr" or "Rabibatou Al Fajr"
- al Dhor, al dhuhr, zuhr or al dhohr prayer (midday prayer): A prayer that begins at midday, when the sun's rays have passed the meridian. For convenience many prayer times add 5 minutes at midday to determine the start of Dhor.
The dhor ends at the beginning of the Asr.
- al Asr or asar prayer (afternoon prayer): The timing of the Asr prayer depends on the size of the shadow cast by an object.
According to the Shafiite school of jurisprudence, the Asr begins when the size of the shadow exceeds the size of the object.
According to the Hanafi school, the Asr begins when the projected shadow exceeds twice the size of the object.
- al Maghrib or maghreb prayer (prayer at sunset): A prayer that begins at sunset and ends at the beginning of isha.
- Al Icha or isha prayer (Night Prayer): A prayer that begins when night falls and the evening twilight disappears.
Ramadan: What is Iftar time?
Iftar time is the time of day when Muslims break their fast during the holy month of Ramadan. It is the time after sunset when Muslims can eat and drink again after abstaining from food and drink from dawn until sunset. The exact time of Iftar varies depending on the location, as it is determined by the position of the sun in the sky. In some countries, the Iftar time is announced by the call to prayer (Adhan) from the mosque, while in others, people rely on the sunset time calculated by astronomical data.
Ramadan: What is imsak time?
Imsak time is the time just before dawn when Muslims begin their fast during the holy month of Ramadan. It is the time when Muslims stop eating and drinking, and begin their daily fast until sunset. Imsak time is generally about 10 to 15 minutes before the Fajr prayer, which is the first prayer of the day for Muslims. The exact time of Imsak varies depending on the location and is determined by the position of the sun in the sky. In some countries, the Imsak time is announced by the call to prayer (Adhan) from the mosque, while in others, people rely on astronomical data to calculate the time. It is considered an important time for Muslims to prepare themselves physically and spiritually for the day of fasting ahead.
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mosque prayer time, Adhan, adan,
salat, Salat al fadjr, Salat al Sobh,
Salat al dohr, Salat al asr, Salat al maghreb,
Salat al isha,
prayer times.